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Chocolate Scrubs

Chocolate has proven benefits as an anti-oxidant.

It is now being used by some spas to help firm and repair skin.

Body scrubs infused with chocolate oil and a hydrating chocolate body polish are gaining popularity. The sweet stuff is applied under the warmth of heat lamps.

According to one spa owner, "the scent of chocolate triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that produce a similar feeling as when one first falls in love."

Theobromine, a substance very similar to caffeine produces a slimming effect on the body. Magnesium, potassium and calcium have a calming effect, therefore reducing stress. Polyphenols, antioxidants that thwart free radicals which are responsible for cell aging.

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Who am I?

My name is Anna.
I am a HUGE lover of Chocolate.
I eat it, I research it, and I live by it.

By day I am a dietician, ironically as it may seem.
By night, I am obsessed with the various aspects related to chocolate.

A Day Without Chocolate is like a day without Sunshine.


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