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Chocolate Pez...coming soon

Pez Candy has announced that it will add a new chocolate flavored candy to its product line in July.

According to the company, with the addition of chocolate, it now offers 13 flavors of its familiarly shaped candy tablets.
Over 3 billion PEZ Candies are consumed annually in the U.S.A. alone. With great tasting flavors and collectable dispensers, PEZ is more than just a candy...it's the pioneer of "interactive candy" that is both enjoyable to eat and fun to play with. PEZ Dispensers are staples and an integral part of American pop culture. New character dispensers are introduced regularly to capitalize on current trends.
For more information, visit www.pez.com.

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Shakespere June 10, 2008 at 7:34 AM  

Hi. I am anxious to try chocolate Pez. I had not heard about it.

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Who am I?

My name is Anna.
I am a HUGE lover of Chocolate.
I eat it, I research it, and I live by it.

By day I am a dietician, ironically as it may seem.
By night, I am obsessed with the various aspects related to chocolate.

A Day Without Chocolate is like a day without Sunshine.


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