Don't Mess with Our Chocolate
Don't Mess with Our Chocolate web site forum's purpose is to provide information regarding how to get involved in saving the composition of chocolate .
Some members of the U.S. Chocolate Industry are supporting a change in the basic formula of chocolate, by allowing the use of vegetable fat substitutes in place of cocoa butter.
"In our opinion, these changes will adversely affect the eating, physical and nutritional qualities of chocolate, begging the question: What consumer benefit is associated with implementing such change?"
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a chocolate standard of identity requiring manufacturers to use approved ingredients in making chocolate, and it protects the consumer from any substitution of inferior ingredients. As a result, the Chocolate Industry must obtain approval from the Food and Drug Administration to make any changes to the standard of identity for chocolate.
Recently, the U.S. Chocolate Industry, through its Chocolate Manufacturers Association (CMA), along with 11 other food industry associations, have joined with the Grocery Manufacturers Association(GMA) in supporting what is called a citizen’s petition asking the FDA for approval to change current requirements for a number of food categories, of which chocolate is included. The petition has been recorded with the FDA as Docket # 2007P-0085.
While the FDA has heard from the chocolate industry, they encourage consumers to weigh in as well in order to obtain a balanced viewpoint on any such topic.
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