
What's New

The Weekend Gardener

This weekend I thought that I would join the other weekend gardeners.

This is a Chocolate Plant.

Well, that's what it is called but, it really isn't the same as the chocolate that we eat.
This plant is known for it's velvet, burgundy flowers with chocolate aroma.

Outdoor flowering time: From August to September

I've never seen one of these but, I am interested in hearing from anyone who has.

You can join in on this meme at iamharriet. 
It lasts the entire weekend. All you need to do is post something about gardening.
It can be from your own garden,  tips, or whatever you want.


I am Harriet April 11, 2009 at 3:47 PM  

I love your chocolate plant!

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Who am I?

My name is Anna.
I am a HUGE lover of Chocolate.
I eat it, I research it, and I live by it.

By day I am a dietician, ironically as it may seem.
By night, I am obsessed with the various aspects related to chocolate.

A Day Without Chocolate is like a day without Sunshine.


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