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Chocolate Egg Nog


6 eggs

1/4 cup sugar

3 cups milk

6 ounces of chopped dark chocolate,

2/3 cup cold heavy cream

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 tablespoon freshly-ground nutmeg

1/2 cup Bourbon
Whipped cream and fresh-grated nutmeg for garnish (optional)

1. Place the chopped chocolate in a medium mixing bowl and set aside.
2. In a second medium-size bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar.

3.Whisk in the milk, then pour the mixture into a saucepan.
Heat the egg mixture over medium-low heat, stirring constantly and remove from the heat.
Pour about ½ cup of the hot egg/milk mixture over the chocolate and pour the rest back into the bowl in which you whisked it in. Stir the cold cream into the egg/milk mixture in the bowl.
Use a whisk. Start whisking in the center of the chocolate mixture. Add the rest of the egg/milk mixture.
Whisk in the vanilla, nutmeg and Bourbon. Chill .


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Who am I?

My name is Anna.
I am a HUGE lover of Chocolate.
I eat it, I research it, and I live by it.

By day I am a dietician, ironically as it may seem.
By night, I am obsessed with the various aspects related to chocolate.

A Day Without Chocolate is like a day without Sunshine.


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