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Chocolate Cherry Milkshake


* 4 scoops (about 2 cups) vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt
* 3/4 cup cold milk
* 1/4 cup HERSHEY'S Syrup
* 8 maraschino cherries, stems removed
* Whipped topping & additional cherry(optional)

Place ice cream, milk, syrup and cherries in blender container. Cover; blend until smooth.

Garnish with whipped topping and cherry, if desired. Two 10-oz. servings.

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Who am I?

My name is Anna.
I am a HUGE lover of Chocolate.
I eat it, I research it, and I live by it.

By day I am a dietician, ironically as it may seem.
By night, I am obsessed with the various aspects related to chocolate.

A Day Without Chocolate is like a day without Sunshine.


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